A photographer came in to talk to us about the work he has done and how he got to where he is today.
He was a student doing an FD and went on to do a HND at Plymouth College of Art studying photography.
He was very much in the BMX and bike scene, riding and photographing. He found his love and his passion in taking sports imagery. He sent multiple images in to different bike magazines and was faced with many failed attempts, but one day his image got put into a magazine and from there (after his HND) he went on to be the assistant editor for a magazine. He enjoyed it making links and networking into the industry but he wanted to be in the photography side more.
He created his own magazine with colleagues and friends called The Albion
He toured around taking photographs with different famous BMX riders – one story particularly about an American BMX’er who wanted images and advertisement, so they went to Portugal to take images in unusual places. The results were stunning imagery and a beautifully laid out magazine spread.
I find his way of working really encouraging. I loved seeing how the final product looked within the magazine and how he was able to not only take the imagery, but write about it as well. This gave me more of a sense of direction on where I think I want to take my career. I adore the editorial side of it and hope to put more of my images in an InDesign setting to see how they would look as a magazine.